
The trusted source for mobile intelligence and business networking in Japan

Press Archive

Press Releases

27 Feb. 2008: Mobikyo Announces MobileMonday Tokyo 2008 Peer Awards

26 Sept. 2007: Mobikyo and Infinita release the Japan Mobile Internet Report

5 June 2007: Mobile Intelligence and Networking: Wireless Japan 2007

10 Oct, 2006: Mobile Intelligence Japan: Face to Face in Tokyo Nov. 2006

4 May, 2006: Mobikyo Launches Community Platform

16 January, 2006: Morgan Lewis-TMI Mobile Industry Panel Presentation

21 December, 2005: Mobile Intelligence Japan: Spring 2006 Tour Announced

22 July, 2005: Mobile Intelligence Japan October Mission Announced

27 May, 2005: Mobikyo Opens Mobile Monday Tokyo Community Website

20 April, 2005: Mobikyo K.K. (Kabushiki Kaisha) is duly incorporated

In the News

15 April 2009: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii presentation at Inter-Embassy Mobile Forum

1 April 2009: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii presentation at UNLV during CTIA

2 Feb. 2009: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii interviewed by Journal de Montreal [French]

3 Nov. 2008: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii quoted in Wireless-World magazine

29 Oct. 2008: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii interviewed by IDG Stockholm [in Swedish]

12 Sept. 2008: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii interviewed for Digitoday [in Finnish]

July 2008: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii quoted in ACCJ Journal [.PDF]

June 2008: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii quoted in Sydney Morning Herald

Feb. 2008: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii quoted in Hollywood Reporter MWC edition

Jan. 2008: National Geographic quotes Japan Mobile Internet Report [.jpg]

27 Sept., 2007: Daniel Scuka quoted on The Guardian

6 August, 2007: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii quoted on CNET Asia

18 July, 2007: Daniel Scuka quoted on CNN World Business

29 June, 2007: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii quoted in Le Journal de Montreal [.pdf]

01 March, 2007: ACCJ Journal features Mobile Intelligence Japan [.pdf]

16 October, 2006: Daniel Scuka quoted in the International Herald Tribune

29 Sept., 2006: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii quoted in the Wall Street Journal

24 August, 2006: Mobikyo hosts IFRA delegation for intensive seminar series

28 March, 2006: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii interviewed by ABC Radio Australia

1 December, 2005: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii Featured Member at EA-Tokyo

27 October, 2005: Daniel Scuka interviewed by BBC World for Click-Online

6 August, 2005: Lawrence Cosh-Ishii interviewed by 3Sat TV Germany

Mobikyo publishes the Wireless Watch Japan media project, organizes MobileMonday Tokyo networking events, operates Mobile Intelligence guided missions and provides custom related consulting services.

Mobikyo's founding directors are deeply connected with, respected by, and committed to, Japan's wireless and IT business community. Thousands of managers, planners, engineers and strategists depend on Mobikyo to learn about Japan's unique mobile business models, technologies, contents, services, applications and hardware.

"Mobikyo" was chosen for the unique blending of Mobile and Tokyo. However, depending on the kanji character used for kyo, it could also mean association, capital, religion or today. With fantastic support from our clients, partners and affiliates in Japan and overseas, we have become the trusted source of independent mobile market intelligence and wireless business networking connections based in Tokyo.